MP Case History

30” Corroded Natural Gas Line

A long section of this line is suffering from multiple external corrosion scabs resulting in a minimum remaining wall thickness of approximately 14-18mm.

Nature of Defect

A long section of this line is suffering from multiple external corrosion scabs resulting in a minimum remaining wall thickness of approximately 14-18mm. Due to the close proximity of each of these areas, the full 12m section requires a wrap.


Metalyte Pipeworks solution was to apply 20 layers of their bespoke field applied composite system. This would halt any further corrosion issues and build the strength back in to the line for full operational requirements.

Repair Method

The full length of the line was shot blasted to Sa 2.5 to remove all corrosion and gain the surface profile required for the composite to adhere to. The pipe surface then had a resin bond coat applied prior to the application of the composite.The line was then wrapped in 20 layers of composite and allowed to cure.

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