MP Case History

8″ Steam Header

The 8” steam header had suffered from internal erosion causing a through wall defect.

Nature of defect

The 8” steam header had suffered from internal erosion causing a through wall defect. The client required a composite repair to bring it back up to full design specification. This line was operating at 204°C and could not be isolated. The repair needed to be done live.

The Solution

Metalyte Pipeworks technical team developed a repair method using bespoke leak sealing techniques using composites to fully seal the leak. Once the leak was sealed, four layers of Dragon-Q-UHT overwrap was applied, reinstating the integrity and allowed to cure.

Repair method

The technicians started by wrapping the advanced leak sealing system to the defect.
Once cured, high temperature injectable sealants were used to slow the leak and get the leak under control.
Shore D hardness checks were completed and paint was applied to finish the repair. QA/QC documentation was done and signed off by the client.

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