MP Case History

8″ Live Leak on Produced Water Line

The 8” Produced water line had several leaks from an internally corroded weld.

Nature of defect

The 8” Produced water line had several leaks from an internally corroded weld. The client requires a composite repair to seal and stop the leaks with an engineered over wrap to bring the line back up to full design.


Metalyte Pipeworks stopped the leaks live using their bespoke Titan 505 composite leak sealing system. This was then over wrapped using a combination of a Kevlar reinforced bonding resin and a two part epoxy over wrap.

Repair method

Metalyte technicians hand prepped the initial area from where the leaks were present. The Titan 505 composite was then applied and injected to seal the leaks. The landing area was then mechanically prepped to gain the required surface profile for the over wrap to be applied.

Once all the preparation was complete, the technicians applied the Kevlar reinforced bonding resin over the full repair area. The two part wet up system was then applied over the full area and allowed to cure. The repair was completed with two layers of UV and chemical protective paint.

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