Nature of the defect
The 4”x6” GRP Tee had suffered from a crack. This resulted in a through wall pin hole leak. The client requires Metalyte Pipeworks to apply a composite repair to seal the leak and bring the line back to its original design specification.
Metalyte Pipeworks produced a repair method using a minimum of 6 Layers of Dragon-Q-STD composite system.
Repair method
Herculyte epoxies were fully mixed and inserted into the defect. The surface was prepared (excluding the identified defect area) using hand tools to gain the required surface roughness. As the Tee has strengthening webs, the Tee was profiled to allow for a suitable wrap to be completed. 2 layers of LV impregnated cloth was applied as a bonding coat to the entire repair area prior to application of the Dragon composite. Once the LV was fully cured, the repair area was wrapped in 6 Layers of Engineered Dragon composite and allowed to cure until a minimum of 74.5 “Shore D” hardness was achieved.