The 3 x 24” lines had suffered from excessive external corrosion at the bottom of the lines which are exiting the concrete floor. This resulted in a through wall leak (at G2) that could potentially fail due to the poor pipe substrate condition. The client requires a composite repair to seal the leak locations and to bring all the lines back into a safe operational condition.
Metalyte Pipeworks produced a repair method using a bespoke injectable composite system to seal the leaks with a minimum over-wrap of 8 layers of Dragon UHT and a further 6 layers of Sea Dragon composite system.
A high strength high tensile injectable composite was utilized to arrest the leak, ensuring a full composite enclosure. The substrate was carefully prepared (excluding the identified defect areas) using an MBX machine to gain a surface profile to SSP.SP11 and surface defects within the immediate repair area were faired using Herculyte resins. 500 microns of Dragon resin was applied as a bonding coat to the entire repair area prior to application of the Dragon composite and 6 layers of Sea Dragon composite were applied onto the concrete in a patch lapping up onto the pipe, bonding onto the Dragon UHT. The composite repair was allowed to cure until a minimum of 74.5 “Shore D” hardness was achieved.